Our values
1. A belief in the restorative and healing power of nature. It is not just about skincare ( albeit our skincare is indeed quite exceptional ). It is about the whole body and mind experience. Finding peace .Finding calm.
2. Helping you to be the best version of yourself
It is not not about perfection or unhealthy comparisons.
“ In nature nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways and they are still beautiful”
Alice Walker
Watch out for our blogs and Instragram posts on general lifestyle considerations , nutrition , exercise , mental health , mindfulness and letting go of stress
3. Testing and safety
Were you aware that to blend aromatherapy products in the UK you need to hold at least a level three qualification ? This means that your massage therapist , unless qualified in Aromatherapy as well , cannot blend their own aromatherapy products and can only use preblended oils.
Did you know that any skincare products sold in the UK should have been subject to rigorous testing ?
Testing is costly and time consumming.
How many of the products that you see from artisan producers do you think are tested ?
The mass produced products are, but as we know many of these are full of nasties .
At Zelenci we have limited our product range to ensure that each and every product has been tested and labelled correctly.
3. Customer service
We hate poor service. We are honoured that you have chosen Zelenci , a small independent UK company for your products. We want you to feel special. We are human. If you contact us we will respond. We care.
We believe in our products. We are so confident that you will adore them that we offer an money back guarantee if you are not satisfied.
4.What we are not about;
Plesae see our Sustainabilty goasls and achievements belows.